
Leadership Council

The GPVA shall have an Leadership Council (LC), accountable to the GPVA and responsible for making GPVA decisions between GPVA business meetings. Each member of the Leadership Council must be a member of the GPVA. The Leadership Council comprises the GPVA officers, and a Local Representative from each affiliated local.

Standing Committees

The party membership may elect to establish Standing Committees as it may from time to time deem necessary to conduct party business. Membership in standing committees is open to all GPVA members, and each committee has a Chairperson.

Current standing committees include:

Legal, Auxiliary & Ad-Hoc Committees

Such committees & contact lists do not have individual pages on this site, & include:

  • (CC) Central Committee : A legally-required list of GPVA members who maintain continuity of the GPVA as a state-recognized entity.
  • (EC) Electoral College Members: A legally-required list of GPVA members who agree to serve as VA electors for federal elections.