Accepted at February 5, 2001 State Meeting of the GPVA:
The Information Technology Committee is seeking to become an officially sanctioned committee of the Greens of Virginia/Green Party of Virginia. The Information Technology Committee will exist to develop and maintain the official web site of the GOV/GPVA and to discuss technical and other issues related to the official web site.
The official web site of the GOV/GPVA is an important communications tool for the GOV/GPVA. The web site will:
- Provide an introduction to the GOV/GPVA to new members or to people interested in membership.
- Publish and explain the Ten Key Values, for the benefit of newcomers, existing members and other interested parties.
- Provide a mechanism for people to become a member of the GOV/GPVA.
- Provide a mechanism for people to pledge financial contributions to the GOV/GPVA.
- Publish newsletters electronically.
- Serve as a central repository for meeting/gathering minutes.
- Publish the platform and by-laws of the GOV/GPVA.
- Provide contact information for GOV/GPVA officials.
- Provide links to the web sites of affiliated locals.
- Provide information on electoral campaigns.
- Provide information on organizations which share the values of the GOV/GPVA.
- Provide information on green issues, including the status of those issues, who is involved and what interested people can do to assist in the success of any activism related to those issues.
- Serve as an informal and unofficial area for discussion amongst Greens about those or other Green issues.
- Facilitate communication, the exchange of ideas and the exchange of other information among GOV/GPVA members.
- Provide other services, as the need arises.
- Promote the GOV/GPVA and the Ten Key Values. Assist in the growth of the GOV/GPVA.
The GWC will be responsible for ensuring that the web site continues to be accessible and appealing through the following means:
- Simplicity of design, to allow accessibility for users of both older and newer browsers.
- Consideration of blind people who use special browsers in the web site design.
- Designing for ease of use and navigation, even as new features or pages are added.
- Publishing interesting, informative, and current content, which will generate return visits, create enthusiasm and establish the GOV/GPVA as an active and essential political organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The GWC will be given authority to make technical decisions about the web site, including:
- Domain name.
- Web site Host.
- Software development tools.
- The role of the webmaster(s) and the roles of other members of the GWC.
- Selection of a webmaster.
These decisions may sometimes involve a minimal cost, not to exceed $100.00 per year. Larger expenditures, should there ever be a need for them, will be presented to the GOV/GPVA at an official meeting, or to the Interim Committee.
Content of the web site will be approved as follows:
- Official content on the website will be approved by the co-clerks.
- Unofficial content on the website will be decided on by the GWC, along with a disclaimer that the content does not necessarily reflect the views of the GOV/GPVA, but rather reflects the views of the author(s). The GOV/GPVA may later decide to endorse such content.
- The members of the GWC will adhere to the Ten Key Values in deciding upon unofficial content.